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Beyond grateful and so honored to be part of the first Red Bull Summer Solstice San Fransisco Photo Challenge with my good friend Corey Bohan. 10 Red Bull athletes. 10 photographers. 10 teams were given 9 hours to compete and shoot 1 photo for 5 categories and the Best Overall Photo challenge. The line up of talent was epic and the images every team got were just unreal!

Our game plan coming into this was all about having fun and keeping it simple as if we were back home shooting. After cruising around for hours trying get the shots we needed and cutting it pretty close to the dead line, all the hard work paid off. We ended up taking home not 1, not 2 but 3 categories! We thought "maybe" we'd have shot with one category, but 3!?!? No f'ing way! We are so hyped to take home Best Action, Best Playground, and Best Overall Photo. So proud and so stoked! We couldn't have asked for more.

Congrats to the other athletes and photographers who won Best Dawn, Best Lifestyle and Most Creative. Everyone involved killed it! Can't thank Corey enough for always having my trust when trying to capture epic moments like these. I couldn't have asked for a better teammate. Stoked we got to share more good times and a few wins my dude. Still can't believe it. Bmx was in the house that night haha.

Events like these are so awesome. It's fun, creative and competitive for both the athlete and photographer. It gives action sport photographers a solid plat form to showcase their abilities and approach to capturing images in their own unique ways and be shared to millions all over the world. Can't wait for the next one!

Click the link below to get the full event story made by Adobe Spark.

Red Bull Summer Solstice Photo Challenge, San Francisco CA.

Concept: Red Bull athletes and photographers playing and competing on the longest day of the year – “Summer Solstice”.

Making the most of their summer. 10 athlete and photographer teams are challenged to create the best photographs in the following categories - best dawn, best action, best lifestyle, most creative and best playground. Also a “best photo challenge” award will be given for the event. Starting at dawn and able to go anywhere in the Bay Area in one day of action and adventure to get the best images.

Awards event: A free open to the public outside event hosted in San Francisco beautiful parks on the Little Marina Green. The exhibit and awards event will last approximately 60 minutes. Starting at dusk (8.20pm) the event will begin showing the photos from each category and presenting the winners. The images will be projected on a huge screen. The winning teams for each category will explain details of capturing the image/interview. Winners will be given for each category.

Teams competed in the following categories:

1. Best Dawn - Gives inspiration to audience to set one's alarm clock earlier.

2. Best Action - Let's see your best moves.

3. Most Creative - Capturing something the eye does not normally see.

4. Best Playground - Takes advantage of the "play ground" i.e., the Bay Area's iconic symbols & landmarks.

5. Best Lifestyle - Capture people in situations or real life events. The primary goal is to tell stories about one's lifer or to inspire people. Must include Red Bull Summer Edition - Kiwi.

6. Best Overall Photo

Photos are to include the following elements:

1. Creativity and Originality

2. Artistic Approach

3. Interpretation and clarity of the category to the audience.

4. Technical Excellence

5. Viewers Response - "I wish I'd taken that picture" reaction.

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